5 Reasons Why You Should Be Having Sex Every Day

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Having Sex Every Day

When it comes to sex, we often only have one thing on our my mind instead of all of the healthy benefits that come with being intimate with another person. However, there are some certain things about having sex as often as possible that can really give you the boost that you need whether it be physically, emotionally, or mentally.
Emotional Boost
Having sex is the ultimate surrender of emotions to someone else entirely. Giving them your every bit of raw feelings and how they make you feel. Even if you both don’t say “I love you” does not mean that it was a wasted experience. Being able to connect with other human beings on such a intense setting such as sex can really boost your emotions to explore more of that kind of pleasure as well as happiness in yourself.
Physical Improvements
Having sex as often as you can, can do wonders for your physical health. Essentially, when you are having sex you are strengthening your cardiovascular system as well as your leg, hip, back, and muscles. Not too mention the weight your burn while you are busy.
Mental Stability
When you are feeling stressed, crushed, or are just in a weird state of mind, sex can restore all of your positive thoughts and even get rid of all the doubt you were ever feeling before. Well, it may seem hard to perform while under that stress, but even with cuddling you begin to release a hormone that is known as Oxytocin, including dopamine which can melt all of your stress away.
Helps Your Youth Last Longer
By having sex as often as you can, you are already off to a good start in defying your eternal clock. For women, sex triggers a certain chemical that produces a human growth hormone which enables the process.
Hopefully this has inspired you to be a little bit more sexually active in today’s society for your overall health.


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