What S*x position that women find exciting

Shower s8x is one of a kind experience. It is unpredictable, horny and impulsive. But since the floor can be wet and slippery due to water and foam, you must be careful otherwise the whole experience might become uncomfortable and awkward.

Here are the quick easy tips, to have shower s8x and to fall in love all over again.

Lather up- In order to enjoy s8x completely, start on a nice note. Lather your partner up under a hot shower with a shampoo, shower gel or soap up to his/her neck. How hug one another sweetly and relax in his/her arms and rub the loofah on your partner’s back. If there’s enough space, the girl can sit on her guys lap and wrap herself around him. It will surely make you feel good, and the smooth and lathery bodies will definitely make everything sexier.

Give one another oral- It must be difficult to give your partner an oral if you’ve had a long difficult day. But, when you two are in the shower together, it gets very easy. Your body is supple, moist and fresh, which makes giving an oral a very simple task. And, you both can enjoy it totally.

Clean one another- lather your hands and run them all over your partner, specially the private areas. Scrub and finger your partner so that it arouses him/her. Also, you can even make use of a hand shower, or keep standing under the shower in order to stimulate your partner sexually.

Share the shower equally- Don’t neglect your partner while standing under the shower. Since it feels so relaxing and warm, you don’t want to get away from the water. In this situation, your partner will end up feeling uncomfortable and cold and will not like the entire experience.


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